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Healthy Planet, Healthy you! To do list to Preserve it.

Updated: Feb 10

We are all living and sharing the same home, our beautiful planet.
Let's try our best to heal it, conserve it and respect it for the generations to come.
We all want beautiful things to look nice and to live comfortable. My personal journey brought me now to have a more mindful way of thinking when it comes to purchase items and food.
Here a useful (I hope) and practical List of Things to do and buy to make our daily routine less impactful on the environment.
- Quality over Quantity

-use only natural fabrics like cotton, silk, wool..

- Berkey water filter (long term investment) with personal water bottles.

-Enelloop rechargeable batteries for AA, AAA, D, and C (the best on the market)

-Solar panels to recharge small appliance (unless you already have a solar panel system on your roof ^.^)

-Reusable bamboo silverware on the go. Refuse disposable

-Fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables as a healthy snack for you and your family

-Farmer Market Shopping, Local and No plastic wrapping

-Cast Iron and Stain Steel Pots and Pans. One and For All!

-Reusable Shopping Bags.

-Prevent food waste with planned shopping and meals.

-Please watch your water usage. It is precious and easy to take it for granted

-Buy in Bulk and Bake your own bread, pizza, cookies, pies...

-Make your own Gym at home (wherever is possible) it will save you gas and time.

-choose bamboo tools for your self-care, like toothbrushes, cotton swabs, make-up disks, bandage patches..

Choose soap bars over liquid detergents

-Toothpaste in metal tubs

-Coconut Oil for eye make-up removal and more ^.^

-Honey and sugar for a natural body and face exfoliation

-Eco Thermostat for your home

-A.C. only if really needed

-choose to use a homemade natural disinfectant for your home. made of only two ingredients: white vinegar and orange peel.

-Steam hard floors and windows with distilled water

-Food preparation from Scratch. Help reducing trips to the stores and also healthy

-Use recycled paper rolls for drawing, painting also very nice to reuse as wrap paper ^.^

-Clothes Napkins to wash with kitchen rags ( it's better to have a full wash machine cycle!)

-Compost your food -give back to the earth

-Inside of unutilized rooms, no lights on

-use electric transportation or a bike if is possible

-learn how to make your own garden

-Plant trees and wild flowers ^.^ nature will thank you!

P.s. this might not be cheap when you start your journey but it would definitely reward you and save you money in the long run.
It will make you more connected with our amazing planet.
Please take this as is, just a personal prospective after a personal journey and realization.
With Love,


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