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List of things to do to avoid clutter in your home

Updated: Feb 10

First, over all the things that you can do to start restoring your home, is to categorize and sort all of the belongings (personal items, sharing items and decorations.) giving them a planned location, that based on the category, can be hidden or displayed.
Along with this process it's very important to de-clutter unwanted items. We all have, every period of time, objects that don't suit us anymore or don't fit our life style anymore, so what we can do about it?
Well, we have some options:
  • Repurpose the item into something else, with creativity and a little bit of time.

  • Donate to family or friends.

  • Resell on line for half the price or even a little lower, depending on the demand and on the condition.

  • Last option would be donate at the local thrift store, to try to save them from the landfill, which will eventually be the fate of all items. (sadly)

We live in a consumerist society, buying and throwing away disposables and unwanted items is a daily action.
Becoming more aware and giving the right attention to our daily actions will give us the realization of how much of impact we have on our home and the planet.

There are some things that I do in my daily routine that helps my home to stay organized and clean:
  1. I make the beds every morning and open windows to recycle the air.

  2. Having hooks behind doors or clothes racks with or without wheels, will help with garments that were being used but still clean.

  3. The rule of "One laundry basket" is very effective in my home. if the clean laundry has not been folded and put it away, its not the right time to do another load.

  4. All the personal items that are left in the common spaces have to return to their own location.

  5. To maintain a certain number of items (like in our closet, kitchen, or bathrooms) one items comes in, so another one has to go (this would be a good exercise to start paying more attention on our actions and habits).

  6. Before bedtime it is a good routine to put everything back, the perfect way to start a new day in the morning.

It's never too late to restore or start over, as long as we do it for the better.
To have a beautiful and clean environment does take some effort and some discipline, but once everything is in place, we have a clear outlook on what we want to do with our extra time: start a new activity, introduce a new routine, spending more time outside, investing more time in relationships.
Realization and Action will make everything possible.


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